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 Wave defence

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TRUST Member

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-09-05

Wave defence Empty
PostSubject: Wave defence   Wave defence EmptyTue Nov 17, 2009 10:43 pm

Battle for Mazhug
( 17.11.2009 7:57:08 )

Baldor from
mchamplain from , Wonder Woman from

Swordsman............172(-8).... - Swordsman............235(-50)...
Hoplite...............10(-80)... - Hoplite...............60(-154)..
Sulphur Carabineer....60(-0).... - Sulphur Carabineer...101(-30)...
Gyrocopter............24(-2).... - Gyrocopter.............0(-8)....
Steam Giant...........90(-30)... - Steam Giant..........387(-36)...
Balloon-Bombardier....20(-0).... - Balloon-Bombardier....10(-5)....
................................ - Catapult...............3(-0)....
Mortar................25(-0).... - Mortar................10(-0)....
Doctor................15(-0).... - Doctor................18(-0)....
Cook..................20(-0).... - Cook..................27(-0)....
................................ - Spearmen.............205(-0)....
Generals....................-312 - Generals....................-667
Damage Received...........15,630 - Damage Received...........33,390

Baldor's army has fled because they were exhausted from fighting.
mchamplain's army fled due to a lack of morale, when they saw that their number of casualties was much larger than that of their enemy.
mchamplain's army fled due to a lack of morale, when they saw that their number of casualties was much larger than that of their enemy.
mchamplain's army fled due to a lack of morale, when they saw that their number of casualties was much larger than that of their enemy.
mchamplain's army has been completely destroyed.
mchamplain's army has been completely destroyed.
Baldor's army has been called back and have left the battlefield.
Baldor's army has been called back and have left the battlefield.
Baldor's army fled due to a lack of morale, when they saw that their number of casualties was much larger than that of their enemy.
Baldor's army has been called back and have left the battlefield.

Created using DLR's Ikariam CR Converter (Version 2.5.1)
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TRUST Member

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-09-05

Wave defence Empty
PostSubject: then I attacked the city he was occuping   Wave defence EmptyTue Nov 17, 2009 10:45 pm

Battle for Polis
( 17.11.2009 14:36:14 )

Baldor from Harrowdale
mchamplain from Mazhug, Polis

Swordsman.............88(-0).... - Swordsman.............77(-0)....
Hoplite...............14(-140).. - Hoplite...............89(-111)..
................................ - Archer................15(-0)....
Sulphur Carabineer....27(-3).... - Sulphur Carabineer....61(-37)...
Gyrocopter............10(-0).... - ................................
Steam Giant...........22(-12)... - Steam Giant..........138(-2)....
Balloon-Bombardier....20(-0).... - Balloon-Bombardier....10(-0)....
................................ - Battering ram..........1(-0)....
Catapult...............7(-0).... - Catapult...............3(-0)....
................................ - Doctor................14(-0)....
................................ - Cook..................18(-0)....
................................ - Spearmen...............1(-0)....
Generals....................-282 - Generals....................-315
Damage Received...........14,120 - Damage Received...........15,790

Winners: mchamplain

85 units are being moved from mchamplain to Polis
mchamplain's army has been completely destroyed.
mchamplain's army has been completely destroyed.
Baldor's army fled due to a lack of morale, when they saw that their number of casualties was much larger than that of their enemy.

Created using DLR's Ikariam CR Converter (Version 2.5.1)
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